Event Detail

Annual Athletic Meet 2020

The two- day Sports Day celebrations for students were held at the college on 24th and 25th February 2020 respectively. The day began with a march past presented by the students of all the classes. More than 400 students participated in the customized , fun-filled track and field events such as 50 meter dash,100 meter, 200meter, 400 meter, 800 meter Race, Long jump, High jump, Shot put, javelin throw, discuss throw,  4x 100 meter relay, obstacle race, sack race, Balance run, sack race, three-legged race, Blind run, Lemon race and Stick-Wick role.  
The chief guest for the Sports Day on 24th February was Dr. Amritlal Singh Mann (Retired Dean, PAU Ludhiana). He highlighted that the students must spend time outdoors which gives them opportunity to learn from their surroundings and to enrich themselves. Likewise, on 25th February, the Chief guest, Dr. Himanshu Gupta (SDM Raikot) highly appreciated each sports star and applauded the visionary element of the College which nurtures and develops their potential in the sports field. 
The young achievers were awarded with the trophies and medals. Ms. Kinderjeet Kaur (B.A IIIrd) won the title of best athlete.  
The sports days were filled with sportsmanship, enthusiasm and memories to cherish. The College Principal Dr. Rajni Bala appreciated the students for their enthusiastic participation in the sports day programmes. She also thanked the College staff for the meticulous planning and execution of the sports day events.  

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